
11 Small Things Guys Always Notice About You — Even If You Think They Don’t

When it comes to men, we always assume that they’re just about a woman’s looks. What woman look like in a pair of tight jeans may be what men notice first but don’t think that that’s all they notice.

Whether you realize it or not, men notice a lot more than what a woman looks like. See the 11 things that guys notice when they’re with you.

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1. How Happy You Are

Guys pay attention to your mood, are you happy sunshine girl or a grumpy goose? You don’t have to be in the same mood all the time but if you have a positive outlook on life, men will pay attention.

2. Your Sense of Style

Fashion isn’t just something that only women notice. Guys may not pay attention to the ins and outs of the fashion world but they can tell when you wear something great. Different men like different things, some may be a fan of a tight dress whereas others may be a t-shirt and jeans fan.

3. Your Personality

A personality shines through a woman and makes them so much more attractive to men. If a woman is mean or rude, they’re unlikely to have much long-term dating success. A guy may take a while to see your personality but when he does, it’s what’ll make him stay or go.

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4. How Active Your Social Life Is

Women like it when a guy has a generally active social life and is well liked, similarly guys want the same from the woman in their life. You don’t have to be constantly out and about but if you have your own life, he’ll love it.

5. Your Nails

Girls don’t generally do their nails to impress the men in their lives but they do pay attention. To them, a girl with great nails knows how to look after herself. You don’t need to be a nail art expert but look after them to get a guys attention.

6. Your Scent

Guys can go crazy for the way a girl smells, whether it be the smell of their hair or perfume, or even just the natural scent. Scent triggers memory and if man likes the way you smell, it can only mean good things.

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7. Your Financial Situation

Generally speaking, talking about finances may not be the best way to get to know someone but they do notice how you look after your money. If it’s clear that you can look after yourself and aren’t after them to provide for you, they’ll be a happy man.

8. Your Smile and Your Laughter

Men love a great smile and a happy laugh, seeing a girl enjoy herself is something that they really pay attention too. It means you’re being natural around them and they’ll love that.

9. Your Self-Esteem

A woman knows that the guy who shouts the loudest about himself is usually incredibly insecure. This is the same for women, they can tell when a woman is insecure. If you meet a good man then they should help ease you of your insecurities, not prey on them.

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10. How Open You Are to Love

Woman tend to assume that men are only looking for one thing and that can make them closed and hostile to men, however some men are looking for love. If you’re open and honest about your life and feelings, they’ll pay attention.

11. How Much Common Sense You Have

A guy may find it cute when you do something a bit ditzy but if you don’t have enough common sense to look after yourself, he’s not going to find that attractive in the long run.

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