
7 Types Of Guys You Will Date In Your Lifetime (Or You Really Want to Date, At Least)!

7 Types Of Guys You Will Date In Your Lifetime (Or You Really Want to Date, At Least)!

When it comes to dating, you never know who will be the one to make your heart skip a beat until you give them a try, which means on your way to finding your Mr. Right you can end up dating a whole host of different people.

It doesn’t matter what your taste is, there seem to be certain types of men all women end up dating at least once in their life, and everyone has a story to tell about when they dated *that* guy.

How many of these guys have you dated?

1. The Childhood Friend

Whether they’re a childhood friend or that “one guy-friend,” we all have that person in our life that we know has harbored a long-term crush and would kill for the chance to date us. They let us cry on their shoulder when we get our hearts broken and usually know us better than most of the people we date, so why not give them a try? There’s nothing more amazing than falling in love with your best friend, and you don’t know how good it could be until you try.

the guy to date with

Image Courtesy: Pexels (

2. The Co-worker

A work crush can be the perfect distraction from your job and the amount of time you spend together on a daily basis means there’s plenty of opportunity for some flirting to go down. Exchanging cute emails, chatting on instant messenger all day and b*tching about your coworkers at lunch only builds up the sexual tension between you two, and before you know it you’re looking forward to going into work so that you can see him.

The secrecy element here is a massive turn on, and it can be a real thrill to feel like you’ve got a romance going on underneath your colleagues’ noses. The hookup will happen after office drinking events or the Christmas party, and soon you’re the “office couple.” The coworker can be the worst break-up though as you usually have to continue working alongside each other after the separation, which can be excruciatingly painful.

Worst still, no-one has much sympathy because you’re the idiot who dated someone at work.

3. The Just For Now Guy

You get on really well, the sex is great, and they make you laugh all day long – you just can’t see yourself going long term with them. Whether it’s because they’re moving away or they just have really different life goals to you, you know that this romance isn’t going to last, so you just have fun while you can. This kind of no-strings romance can be the most fun and romantic and usually the breakup is friendly because you both knew it wasn’t going anywhere and just appreciated it for what it was. You’ll often look back at it with rose-tinted glasses later in life and maybe even wonder if it was a mistake to let them go.

just for now dating guy

Image Courtesy: Pexels (

4. The Really Good Looking Guy

He’s gorgeous and head-turning. You can’t stop staring at him! You find yourself gazing at him when he sleeps or admiring him as he goes about his day wondering how he can look like a Calvin Klein advertisement came to life while scrambling around for his jeans in the morning.

He’ll make you swoon when you see him coming down the street to meet you, and you’ll feel like you’re going to have a heart attack when he smiles at you. Sometimes you think they’re so hot you can’t cope, and maybe it would be better to date someone less good-looking, but you forget that when you have another look at them. They’re usually sweet, unaffected guys who somehow sail through life and make everything look easy.

When your breakup you can’t hate them because they’re so beautiful and want to set them free to give other people a chance to date them.

5. The Adult Child

He’s never got any money, he hasn’t washed his clothes for months, and he never seems to be able to hold down a job for more than a few weeks. You’re not sure if you’re his girlfriend or his mom, but it’s probably something in between. You end up spending more time taking care of him than yourself, and at times you get outraged that they aren’t more put-together. But these guys are usually the most fun, spontaneous and surprise you just at the moment you were going to give up on them.

dating with adult child

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6. The “We’re Not Official” Guy

This is a guy you never actually know if you’re dating. You spend all your time together, he sleeps at your house nearly every night, and you text all day – but when it comes to calling you his girlfriend he runs a mile. You’ve never met his friends or family, and he is mysteriously busy when you invite him to things involving your nearest and dearest.

He’ll spend all weekend at your place, but if you try to pre-plan things he’ll or even suggest staying at his place is met with horror. When you try to broach the subject of “us” he somehow manages to persuade you that your need for labels is silly and that as you’re happy there’s no point ruining things by worrying about whether you’re in a relationship or not.

7. The “Good On Paper”

He ticks all the boxes you want from a guy, and everyone says how lucky you are to be dating him, but you’re not completely sold on him. The spark for you just isn’t there though and while he might seem perfect, you know deep down they’re not for

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