
Meditation is a simply a practice of meditating but the meaning within it is far beyond what we see it to be. It allows people to block out worldly things and focus on the practice of finding peace within. For many, meditation is to take up a position of sitting in a particular manner but what your mind goes through is more essential to understand.

In our category of meditation, we talk about the possibility of integrating the mind and body and how to bring both in sync. We also shed light over interesting myths about meditation. Following the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and the Dalai Lama, we also introduce the best methods and practices on how to meditate and how to attain the ultimate level of peace from it!

Find amazing & interesting content with Peace Quarters which is only prepared to benefit you and allow you to understand the core.


Best Known Ways To Meditate For A Healthy Mind

The presence of stress and depression is not physical. You can’t see or touch it instead, individuals feel its effect… Read More

3 years ago

How Therapy Can Help You Heal?

Every time you mention you are in a bad place mentally or emotionally; therapy is recommended by someone or the… Read More

4 years ago

Why Meditation Is Important At Home To Calm Your Anxious Mind

A working woman returns to home after spending hours and hours in files and documentation. Now, she has to go… Read More

5 years ago

Music Is The Best Therapy!

Music is verily an embodiment of several emotions. Music can make you cry, music can make you happy and it… Read More

5 years ago

Exercises That Can Keep Your Brain Healthy

Appreciating your inner beauty is the most important thing that a person needs to do in his life. Many people… Read More

5 years ago

Inner Peace, Mankind’s Final Destination

Out of all things in life, the most important thing is to attain mind peace. Having inner peace is essential… Read More

5 years ago

Some People Live In A Completely Different Reality, New Study Finds

There have been a lot of different studies about the human mind and the way we all are different. This… Read More

6 years ago

Reasons Why Everyone Should Try Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy iѕ соnѕidеrеd tо be раrt оf the study оf асuрunсturе, but it can bе uѕеd аlоnе (no nееdlеѕ… Read More

6 years ago

There Are Spiritual Messages Hidden in Star Wars, Buddhist Teachers Explain

There’s no denying that the ‘Star Wars’ saga has tapped into the heart of our spirituality. After all, we view… Read More

6 years ago

Spirituality Without Quantum Physics is Incomplete, According to Dalai Lama

Science and spirituality always tend to contradict one another. It seems like you have to pick one side and pretend… Read More

7 years ago