Yet again, our soldiers, the frontline workers of corona pandemic, took it up as their responsibility to directly expose themselves to the enemy itself. The same ones that had stepped forward during the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, and the American Polio epidemic. We all are hiding away in the comforts of our homes, whining about the unfavorable conditions. While the frontline heroes are exerting themselves relentlessly and selflessly to save as many lives as possible.
The coronavirus’ tiny member exploited the one thing that was enough to shut down our system – human interaction. Be that with the biotic or abiotic environment. The unexpected pandemic has crippled education, economy, and livelihood. Here’s how badly the education system has been hit by the coronavirus.
To keep the boat afloat, authorities are taking the best possible measures to prevent the system from collapsing entirely. For that reason, much of the working population is advised to work from home. During such turbulent times, maintaining a work routine is near to impossible. Lifestyle changes have been extremely drastic and sudden to cope up with.
The uncertainty and hopelessness that the frontline workers of corona pandemic are experiencing are depressing. What had been predicted as a mild virus is now taking victims at an alarming rate. The statistics are anything but improving. Despite all this, healthcare workers, scientists, and social workers are undeterred by the grim situation of the pandemic and are willing to risk their lives.
The Role of Frontline Workers during Pandemic
It goes unsaid that the healthcare workers lacked information, skill, and resources to host the unwelcomed guest. It is remarkable to see how well the healthcare department and the authorities stabilized themselves and recovered from the first blow. The blatant truth is that the situation might get worse.
In such conditions, the frontline heroes have assumed their respective roles and are already set to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Nurses
There has been a drastic expansion in the role of a nurse during the pandemic. The disordered and overwhelming situation requires the multitasking ability of a nurse to make the conditions manageable. Nurses are an imperative player in screening and diagnosis.
Besides, they play an essential part in the monitoring of infected people and reliably documenting and communicating a patient’s health. Nurses are often required to maintain a hospitable environment considering it can get overcrowded during the pandemic. The versatility of nurses allows them to assume many roles at once.
Moreover, nurses are usually the ones that also keep the patient up to date and convey vital healthcare tips in an implementable and comprehensive manner.
2. Medical Assistants
With the onset of a probably long-term pandemics, we need to maximize the role of frontline workers during pandemic. This is exclusive of doctors and nurses. Medical assistants that otherwise attend calls and manage documents have a considerable amount of information to get down into the battlefield.
They are also a vital part of the healthcare team to correctly diagnose patients and keep up-to-date with each patient’s status. This is important to ensure that the patients receive proper treatment. In short, they assist the central healthcare team and share the duties.
Medical office administrators help filter the patients according to the type of treatment and urgency. They keep a record of their status. They are also involved in providing the healthcare personnel with Personal Protective Equipment.
3. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)
If the pandemic isn’t one of the gravest emergencies, the world has seen then what is? During such times, EMTs can efficiently showcase their training.
The best aspect of this profession is that their studies are usually on-going and are up to date with the latest scientific information. Moreover, their ability to act quickly and under pressure has made them a liable part of the frontline workers of corona pandemic.
The EMT also works cooperatively with hospitals and local authorities to manage supply shortages and the availability of hospital staff.
However, there is so much that the frontline workers can do. They’re battling an enemy ten times greater than them, and it’s bound to have its negative repercussions. Being directly exposed to the virus, fatigue, stress, depression, and lack of sleep is taking its toll as more health workers fall victim to the coronavirus.
Challenges Faced By the Frontline Workers of Corona Pandemic
We were not prepared when the pandemic hit us, and the most affected population is our frontline heroes.
For those of us who have not faced the situation firsthand, it is only mildly depressing. Imagine the stress and anxiety a frontline worker has to suffer. Their mental health is at stake, yet they are at work masking the actual severity of the situation to avoid panic amongst the general population.
Top that with the lack of resources. These include hospital beds, ventilators, PPE, and skilled healthcare workers. Many frontline workers of corona pandemic have a makeshift gown and a disposable mask.
There are numerous recounts of doctors and medical staff that tell us their brutal routine. Some workers have been working for 24+ hours straight. That is why time and again, the frontline workers have almost begged us to stay at home.
The least that the general population can do is practice strict social distancing. If we cannot help them, then we should also not worsen the situation. It may seem useless on an individual scale, but it also took just one individual to give rise to this whole pandemic.
To keep yourself from going crazy during this pandemic, you can also get short training courses to aid the frontline workers. If not, then try indulging in new activities to distract yourselves from these dark times. Polish yourself for a better you after the pandemic ends.
Stay Home. Stay Safe. The frontline heroes deserve our utmost respect and corporation.