
If You Are Happy, Others Around You Will Be Happy Too, Study Confirms

Photo: King Themes

Depression is a worldwide phenomenon and people of all age brackets and social backgrounds suffer from it. The successful people are the ones who know how to cope with depression and the phases of feeling down.

Social support and friends are important for mental well-being as there is scientific proof that positive friends have positive influence in our lives generally and in our mental condition specially. Happiness is contagious therefore having happy friends is a strong enough support system to cultivate happiness and positivity for you.

This particular study was conducted by a group of researchers at University of Manchester. The researchers studies a group of 2,000 high school American students to find out how they influence each other’s moods. Findings suggests that happiness in one young kid leads to happiness in others. Though depression and anxiety does not spread. In fact, having happy people around influences your mental ability to cope with anxiety and depression and helps you to come out of it stronger.

Dr. Thomas House, one of the researchers at the University of Manchester said,

This was a big effect that we have seen here. It could be that having a stronger social network is an effective way to treat depression. More work needs to be done but it may be that we could significantly reduce the burden of depression through cheap, low-risk social interventions.

Strong social connections where people can share their concerns and go out easily for help makes things really easier. These connection are of course not the ones where people meet and greet each other to show off and flaunt their recently bought gadgets etc.

Also, this study also endorses that you do not catch depression if you befriend people with depression or anxiety. Therefore, people with depression should not be avoided or perceived as negative influence.

Dr. House also reported, As a society, if we enable friendships to develop among adolescents (for example providing youth clubs) each adolescent is more likely to have enough friends with healthy mood to have a protective effect. This would reduce the prevalence of depression.

As a society and as parents, it is important to affirm and encourage young people’s friendship based on mutual respect and appreciation.

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