
Scientists Confirm Mysterious Signals Coming From Outer Space

Scientists, in a recent discovery, have confirmed that there are some really mysterious signals coming from space. Previously, it was logically described that the sounds were produced as a result of interference on Earth, called First Radio Bursts (FBRs).

However, in a recent research report, scientists have confirmed that the sounds are really coming from outer space. These sounds have been tracked for over ten years.

These signals are found to be coming one specific place and the arrangements are very particular as well. Despite other myths that these might actually be signals from aliens, scientists are a step closer now to figuring it out.

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Scientists came to the conclusion after they used the Molonglo radio telescope in Australia to look at massive swathes of space where it detected three FRBs.

By re-engineering the telescope, and going through 1000 terabytes of data the Molonglo provides everyday, Manisha Caleb, a PhD candidate at Australian National University, Swinburne University of Technology confirmed the “messages” were coming from outer space.

The scientists move along to further study the sounds and ensure to find a definite answer to this remarkable discovery.


Source: Independent
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