
Only The Strongest People Struggle with Anxiety Because of These 4 Personality Traits

Strength isn’t a word anxiety sufferers would perhaps use when referring to their struggle with mental health, yet it is one attribute the vast majority have in common. In fact, some of the strongest people you will know will be dealing with their battles.

Life is hard enough, but when you’re dealing with anxiety or depression on top of it, things can become unbearable. Anxiety is the body’s way of telling you, you’re in danger and means those struggling with these issues are in a constant state of ‘fight or flight.’

This battle to cope with those problems and still carry on in life can be exhausting, and many feel like they’re in a private battle with themselves just to get through the day.  If you’re one of those people, take heart because whatever problems you have, you have to be strong to just get through the day.

The ability to carry on, work through problems and still function all while dealing debilitating anxiety, makes suffers courageous, determined and brave people.


No-one chooses to have anxiety or depression, but those who do have to learn to deal with it. Don’t underestimate how hard this is and how much personal courage and bravery it takes to cope with these issues while carrying on with your life.

You can be fighting panic attacks, struggling to leave the house all while holding down a job and relationships. While it might not feel like you’re functioning to the best of your ability, just the fact you’re trying to hold it together takes such strength of character and is something worth recognizing.

The same goes for speaking out about having a problem. It’s never easy to ask for help, but admitting you’re struggling and things aren’t ‘right’ takes real bravery.


This constant mental battle helps build an inner strength that those who are untested cannot relate to. Having everyday situations turned into sources of stress and anxiety means you are forcing yourself to face your fears and cope with them. This ability to withstand and bounce back from difficult circumstances is a sign of just how tough you are.


If anyone knows that everyone has weaknesses, it’s those who suffer from anxiety. While others might chastise people for their faults, someone dealing with anxiety knows that what we present isn’t always the full story and that there’s often so much more going on underneath the surface. Anxiety sufferers will often recognize or sense if someone else is suffering and even with everything they’re feeling, reach out and try to help.

Many people go through life with blinkers on, unable to see people or what they’re going through. This is a strength anxiety sufferers possess and one they should cherish.


A vivid imagination can be a curse of an anxiety sufferer. Whether it’s playing out scenarios in your head or picturing everything that can go wrong on your commute to work, it can be draining to constantly imagine every danger, risk or threat to your life.

While you might prefer not to have this overactive imagination, this foresight, and readiness to take whatever life throws at you take a deep inner-strength. Life isn’t easy and coming up against your fragility in it on a daily basis, isn’t something most people could cope with.

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